Ongoing training for university staff

As part of the training programme for staff at the University of Lille ("Support for scientific research" module), the University libraries offer a programme of training sessions on the issues, methods and tools of Open Science and scientific and technical information.

The training sessions offered are open to staff who are members of the University of Lille or affiliated with a research unit of the University of Lille, including researchers, lab directors and research support staff.

These training sessions are currently offered in French only. If you have questions about one of these topics and do not speak French, you can contact us at

Among the training sessions offered, several are about Open science:

If you are interested in these training sessions as a member of the University of Lille or you are affiliated with one of the university's research units and do not have access to the Geforp platform, please contact drh-formationuniv-lillefr for information and registration.


See the full programme: