Disseminating with an open archive

Green open access refers to self-archiving or deposit by the author in an open archive.

An open archive is a repository for freely-accessible publications and other scientific works produced by scientific research and teaching.
It can be:

Do you have a question about depositing your publications? Your rights? Your obligations from research funding agencies?
We can help you with all the steps you need to take to open up your publications, in particular by using open archives!


Open archive FAQ

The scientific output of the University of Lille is visible in two open archives, LillOA and HAL. The two are interconnected, so that deposits made in LillOA (references and associated files) are also visible in HAL, and vice versa.

LillOA (Lille Open Archive) is the University of Lille's institutional open archive. Based on Open Source software, it is characterised by:

  • its ability to evolve: researchers are involved in the governance and development of LillOA.
  • its connection to the university's information system: this connection facilitates researcher authentication and reduces redundant data entry.
  • the flexibility of the dissemination methods offered to researchers: open access, intranet access, confidential access. Researchers can set an embargo period according to their needs. They can authorise users to access their publications or not.
  • its interoperability: LillOA is compatible with the European OpenAIRE platform (Open Access Infrastructure for Research in Europe).

HAL is the national open archive, operated by the CCSD. The University of Lille has its own portal: HAL-Lille, which is connected to LillOA.

As specified in the University of Lille's Institutional Open Archive Deposit Charter (French only), since 2018, the University of Lille calls on researchers affiliated with a research unit of the University to systematically deposit their scientific output in the University of Lille's institutional open archive, either by direct deposit in LillOA, or by deposit in HAL, the two being interconnected. Each research unit has defined its policy on the choice of the open archive to use for deposit.

The research units are positioned as follows:



Article 30 of the Law for a Digital Republic (2016) gives authors the right to disseminate their research work via an open archive:

  • for any article published in a journal whose frequency is at least annual,
  • the author has the right to make the version accepted for publication (postprint) freely available,
  • 6 months after publication if it is in the field of Science, Technology, and Medicine,
  • 12 months after publication for the field of Humanities and Social Sciences.

Find out more


Research funding agencies (European Commission, ANR) now require researchers leading funded projects to comply with a number of obligations related to open science (opening up research publications and data).

⇒ See the page devoted to the Open Science requirements of research funding agencies

Since 2020, the procedures for collecting publications by CNRS researchers as part of the CRAC and RIBAC campaigns have changed.

  • The references and, for certain types of publications, the full text must be available in HAL in order to be validated for the CRAC and RIBAC.
  • The publications to be attributed to each author will be easier to identify thanks to the use of the unique IdHAL identifier.

Note: As LillOA is interconnected with HAL, deposits made in LillOA will also be visible in HAL, and will therefore be counted for the CRAC and RIBAC.


Reminder of CNRS requirements

  • References for all scientific works
  • Deposit of the full-text version of scientific publications (published or forthcoming) :
    • Science, technology and medicine (CRAC): journal articles or articles from conferences with proceedings, pre-publications, books and book chapters
    • Humanities and social sciences (RIBAC): journal articles


Support from the university libraries

If you have any questions about changes to the CRAC and RIBAC procedures related to open science, your open science advisors are at your disposal. Please do not hesitate to write to them (list of open science advisors).

Questions specific to LillOA

It is best to use your account without .etu. If you have any problems with this account, please contact your open science advisor or our department at lilloauniv-lillefr.

In the Mon identité numérique application, fill in your preferred name in the "Paramétrage" tab.

You can deposit journal articles, conference papers (with or without proceedings), posters, books, parts of books, doctoral theses, habilitations to supervise research ("habilitations à diriger des recherches", France's highest academic qualification), patents, research reports, pre-publications, research data, book reviews and critical reviews.

The tutorial « What can you deposit in LillOA? What are your rights? » explains how to find out which documents and versions can legally be in open access, and what can be in restricted or confidential access. It also provides examples of open access documents in LillOA.

For more information on these legal issues, see the page entitled "Disseminating my publications with an open archive: what does the law say?".

Deposit in the archive chosen by your research unit. Your deposits in LillOA are moderated and sent to HAL.

Yes. At the first step of depositing in LillOA, click on the "Source import" button. Next, choose the import source (PubMed ID, DOI, or HAL) and search by identifier, or if you don't know the identifier, by author or title. Finally, choose the publication and import its description. Then simply verify the imported information and validate the deposit.

Yes, you can import a HAL deposit into LillOA. At the first step of the deposit in LillOA, click on the ‘Source import’ button. Then choose HAL as the import source and search by HAL Id (hal- and a series of numbers), author or title. Finally, choose the publication and import its description. Then simply verify the imported information and validate the deposit.

Article 30 of the Law for a Digital Republic (2016) provides for an embargo period of 6 months in the sciences, technology, and medicine, or 12 months in the humanities and social sciences. This embargo applies from the date of first publication of the article (online or in a paper version), regardless of subsequent republication dates. Only the final version of the manuscript accepted for publication may be deposited.

Yes. This is a condition of Article 30 of the Law for a Digital Republic (2016), which authorises the deposit of articles "subject to the approval of any co-authors".

For this particular case, contact us: lilloauniv-lillefr

  1. Start a deposit and choose "Direction scientifique d'une publication" as the document type.
  2. Fill in the mandatory fields. In the "Title" field, you can type the title of the issue. In the "Publication type" field, choose "Numéro spécial de revue".
  3. In the recommended fields, fill in the "Journal title" field.

See the page "Disseminating your publications with an open archive: what does the law say?" and contact us if you run into a particular problem: lilloauniv-lillefr

As specified in the licence that you accept when you first connect, any deposit made in LillOA is definitive. However, on LillOA, you can modify the dissemination of your deposited file as you wish, including making it more restricted.

If, for exceptional reasons, you need to delete a deposit, or if you find duplicate deposits, you can write to us at lilloauniv-lillefr.

Log on to LillOA and go to the deposit. In the headings on the right, click on ‘Modify or complete this document’. You'll find yourself back on the standard submission form: change what you want and don't forget to go all the way to the validation step, otherwise your changes won't be visible in LillOA!

You can access a simplified form that allows you to add a file to your deposit in one step, if you don't need to make any other changes. There are two ways to access this simplified form for adding a file:

  1. On the deposit in question, click on "Upload file".
  2. Click on "Submissions" in the headings on the right to display the list of your deposits. If you do not have a file, there is link to "Upload file": click on it.

If you don't yet have a University of Lille professional page, you need to start by creating one: you can use the tutorial for creating a professional page (French only).

Next, you need to choose LillOA as the source for publications on your professional page in the "Gérer ma page pro" application, available in the ENT once the professional page has been created.

In the "Gérer ma page pro" application, click on your name, then on "Ma fiche", and finally on Publications. You can then tick the LillOA box and untick the HAL box. Don't forget to click on the "Enregistrer" button. The publications will appear immediately on your professional page.

The first time, you will need to add your ORCID to the Mon Identité Numérique application (available in the ENT). Click on the tab "Vos autres identités numériques" and then the button "Connectez votre compte ORCID". You will then connect to ORCID in the pop-up window that opens.

Then, in LillOA, you can send your deposits to ORCID either at the time of deposit, or by clicking on Submissions in the headings on the right to see your deposits. Here you can select the deposits to be sent to ORCID and click on the "Export to ORCID" button. The deposits will be visible in the Works section of your ORCID profile.