The ORCID identifier

ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) is an international not-for-profit organisation based in the United States. ORCID assigns permanent digital identifiers (ORCID iDs) to researchers and authors of academic and scientific contributions.

The University of Lille has been a member of ORCID since 2019 through the French ORCID consortium (French only).

Some good reasons for using ORCID

  • Free
  • International / Universal
  • Interoperable: ORCID provides a link between numerous platforms.
  • Manage your identity and information: Researchers can fill in the sections of their account and control the level of access.
  • Simplify your procedures: the ORCID iD is increasingly required for funding applications, submitting an article or depositing a publication or dataset in an open archive/data repository.

Types of plateforms that use the ORCID iD


Bibliographic databases

Scopus, Web of Science

Publishers of journals or books

Elsevier, Springer, Wiley, Taylor & Francis, PLoS, OpenEdition

Funding agencies

World Health Organization, Wellcome Trust, Institut National du Cancer

Open repositories for publications and/or data

LillOA, HAL, ArXiv, OpenAIRE, Zenodo, Dryad, Figshare

  • Gain visibility through links with social networks.


You can register for ORCID directly on the ORCID website. Our tutorial dedicated to ORCID registration provides help and tips.

Do you already have an ORCID account and want to complete it as fully as possible? Check that the following information has been filled in, or follow our tutorial that will take you through all the steps.

An optimised ORCID profile has:

  1. An institutional email address and a personal email address 
  2. All the names you use 
  3. Links to your social media profiles and professional pages 
  4. The employment section filled in 
  5. All your works added via links with platforms
  6. The University of Lille added as a trusted organisation via your ENT 
  7. The Education and qualifications section filled in with your educational background

Note: PhDs must be entered as education and employment.

The ORCID FAQ also provides answers to other questions you may have.

To help you find out more about the ORCID identifier and its importance for researchers' visibility, we offer webinars and doctoral training sessions.