Our contributions to the open science ecosystem

In accordance with its Roadmap for Open Science, the University of Lille supports the Open Science ecosystem, in order to participate in the collective local, national and global effort in the field of Open Science. This support takes the form of financial contributions, but also the involvement of staff members in various Open Science structures.

Financial contributions

In 2024, the University's financial support for the national and international open science ecosystem (excluding electronic resources) amounted to €25,400.

Subscriptions to tools or platforms  €14,000

• Crossref (DOIs for journals)

• Datacite (DOIs for data)


• HAL contribution (CCSD)

Support for Open Science initiatives  €9,300

• Mir@bel

• Peer Community In

• Software Heritage



• Open policy finder (Jisc)

• SciPost

• Research Data Alliance

Memberships in Open Science associations €2,100

• COAR (Confederation of Open Access Repositories)

• OpenAIRE



Staff members' contributions

The University of Lille's support also takes the form of staff members' contributions, through involvement in various structures - both national and international - that are working to develop Open Science on a wider scale than just the university.

In February 2025, there were at least 17 people linked to the university (researchers and staff) involved in 14 different structures.